
The description of this lecture can be found on the SIF master webpage.


Thomas Jensen (TJ) and Benoît Montagu (BM)
Guest lecture by Benjamin Farinier (BF)


A quiz (exam) on the first part of the course and student presentations (groups of two) of articles from the research literature.

Exam SOS from 2017

Planning, lecture notes

Lectures take place on Tuesdays 8:00 - 9:30 and Wednesdays 15:00 - 16:30.

Lecture Date Topic Teacher Handout
1 11/09/2024 Operational semantics BM [slides] [handout]
2 17/09/2024 Operational semantics TJ slides
3 18/09/2024 Type systems TJ
4 24/09/2024 Data flow analysis TJ slides
5 25/09/2024 Data flow analysis TJ
6 01/10/2024 Abstract interpretation TJ slides
7 02/10/2024 Abstract interpretation TJ
8 08/10/2024 Control flow analysis BM [slides] [handout]
9 9/10/2024 Control flow analysis BM [OCaml source code]
10 15/10/2024 Information flow analysis TJ slides
11 16/10/2024 Information flow challenge slides
12 22/10/2024 Symbolic execution BF
13 23/10/2024 Quiz BM, TJ
29/10/2024 Fall break
30/10/2024 Fall break
14 4-8/11/2024 Preparation of student presentations
15 12-13/11/2024 Student presentations BM, TJ

Student presentations

Student presentation will take place on Wednesday November 13th from 14:00 to 16:00 in room B12D i57.

Students Articles
Samuel Hiron
Jad Zahreddine
Precise static analysis of untrusted driver binaries
Alban Dutilleul
Martin Andrieux
Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures
Pierre Nunn
Thomas Feuilletin
A Few Graph-Based Relational Numeric Abstract Domains
Sarah Emery
Valentin Hautiquet
System-level non-interference for constant-time cryptography
Baptiste Amice
Grégory Brivady
Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures